Three-phase four-wire system

Release time: 2024-09-29

What is a three-phase four-wire system

The three-phase four-wire system is a system widely used in power transmission and distribution, especially in low-voltage distribution networks. The system contains three phase wires (usually labeledA,B,C) and a neutral wire (usually markedN). among them,A,B,CThe voltage and frequency are the same between the three phases, but the phases are different from each other120This design enables the three-phase power supply to provide more stable and efficient power output. Neutral (N) is used as part of the voltage reference point and current loop to balance the load, transmit reactive power, and provideFor grounding protection and other multiple functions.


The role of three-phase four-wire system

The main function of the three-phase four-wire system is:

  • Provide stable power:The three-phase power supply realizes the continuous supply of electric energy through the phase difference, which reduces the fluctuation of the power system and improves the stability of the power supply.
  • Efficient energy use:The three-phase electric system has high power transmission efficiency and power factor, which can reduce unnecessary energy waste.
  • Flexible power supply:The system can provide both380VThe three-phase voltage can also be obtained through the neutral line.220Vsingle-phase voltage, to meet the needs of different types of load.
  • Load Balancing:Under asymmetric loads, the neutral line can help balance the three-phase voltage and avoid the impact of voltage fluctuations on the load.
  • Earthing protection:The neutral line is often used as a grounding path, which can guide the fault current to the ground in case of insulation fault, so as to protect the safety of personnel and equipment.


Advantages and disadvantages of three-phase four-wire system
  • High efficiency and energy saving: in the three-phase electric system, the phase difference of each phase voltage120degree, making the power supply efficient and energy-saving.
  • Wide range of application: suitable for various industrial and commercial electricity needs, especially small and medium-sized industrial production sites.
  • Improve system stability: The combination of three-phase power and neutral line improves the reliability and stability of the power system.
  • Reduce the number of transmission lines: Compared with other power supply methods, the three-phase four-wire system requires fewer transmission lines to provide the same power output.


  • High operation and maintenance costs: Compared with the three-phase three-wire system, the three-phase four-wire system requires an additional neutral line, which increases the number of poles and operation and maintenance costs.
  • In some specific applications, the efficiency is low: for example, when charging civil electric vehicles, the single-phase two-wire power supply mode is more efficient, while the charging efficiency is relatively low when the three-phase power supply is relatively low.


Wiring method of three-phase four-wire system

In380VIn the three-phase four-wire system, there are four wires, three of which are live wires (A,B,CPhase), one is the zero line (N). When wiring, the following steps should be followed:

  • Prepare tools: prepare pliers, screwdriver, insulating tape and other tools.
  • Identify cable color: Usually,Aphase is yellow,Bphase is green,CThe phase is red and the zero line is lavender (or black, according to specific standards).
  • Wiring sequence: first connect the zero line, then connect the live line. Make sure that the length and color of the end of the cable correspond to the terminal, and tighten the screw.
  • Insulation treatment: After the wiring is completed, use insulating tape to insulate the exposed part of the cable.
  • Check: Use a multimeter and other tools to check the correctness and reliability of the wiring to ensure that there is no short circuit or open circuit.


What should be paid attention to when connecting the three-phase four-wire system
  • Load balance: try to keep the three-phase load balance, to avoid one phase load is too heavy and lead to other phase load is too light, causing voltage imbalance and equipment damage.
  • Neutral wire specification: The cross-sectional area of the neutral wire should be equal to or larger than that of the phase wire to ensure that the current can be safely transmitted when the load is unbalanced.
  • Grounding problems: Ensure that the neutral grounding system is properly installed and maintained to avoid ground faults.
  • Cable laying: phase line and neutral line should be correctly laid, avoid long parallel laying, in order to reduce capacitive coupling and electromagnetic interference.
  • Voltage measurement: When measuring line voltage, the voltage between two phase lines should be used instead of the voltage between one phase line and the neutral line.
  • Harmonic effect: Pay attention to the harmonics that may be generated by the three-phase unbalanced load, and reduce the harmonic effect through appropriate filtering and reactive power compensation.
  • Equipment selection: All equipment connected to the three-phase system, including switches, circuit breakers, contactors, etc., should be suitable for three-phase four-wire power supply.
  • Maintenance and inspection: Regularly maintain and inspect the three-phase power supply line to ensure that the connection is firm, without looseness or corrosion, and to prevent overheating caused by poor contact.

In summary, three-phase four-wire production is an efficient and stable power transmission and distribution method, which plays an important role in the fields of rail transit, industrial production and residential electricity. In the design and application, it is necessary to fully consider its characteristics, advantages and precautions to ensure the safety and reliability of the power supply system.